Phantom Phone Calls

What would you do if you received a phone call from someone that couldn't possibly have made it? What would you do if they sounded like them, knew things about you and talked to you like they always used to? The only problem being they are dead. Would you hang up? Talk to them one last time? Or just listen? Some people have had to answer these questions. Join us as we look at the strange and unusual phenomena of ghostly phone calls. The phenomena itself has a fairly straightforward pattern usually a person will receive a phone call from a loved one (family member, husband, wife, significant other or close friend) the conversation may appear quite ordinary but after the person hangs up they find out that the person they were talking to had died. Other versions of this phenomena have the person receiving the call well aware that the person who is on the other line died weeks, months or years earlier. They are often a loving message or a final farewell or a message of support during...