The Mysterious Street Light Interference Phenomena
Can you turn street lights off by your mere presence? No? Well neither can I but some people claim they can, the phenomena is called 'Street Light Interference' or SLI and the people who experience this phenomena are affectionately called SLIders.
So read on and find out what this phenomena is all about.
Street Light Interference (also know as Street Lamp Interference and High Voltage Syndrome) is an unexplained phenomena where certain individuals claim that they can effect Street lighting in their local area above what would be expected by chance. This often is represented by flickering lights as they travel under them, sometimes they turn off completely and occasionally entire stretches of lighting can turn off. This works when on foot or in vehicles. Typically the lights turn on again when the individual leaves the area making it all the more mysterious.
The term was first coined by Hilary Evans while investigating the phenomena for the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena (ASSAP). Like so many phenomena of this type almost all 'evidence' is anecdotal compounded by the fact that those who claim to be able to perform such feats cannot do them on command and therefore any kind of scientific study is almost impossible. It also doesn't happen to these SLIders all the time just more often than by chance. They also report that this phenomena also extends to other electrical appliances.
What causes this ability (assuming it's a genuine experience) is completely unknown although some have surmised it my be psychic in nature. However many such persons have stated stress or anger as triggering factor to causing the phenomena to occur. This lends some credence to it being some kind of psychic or electrokinesis (as in the superhero power). Currently much more research needs to be conducted to show if there is indeed any unrecognised phenomena occurring or if it is just up to chance.
Thank you for reading.
Until next time.
Stay safe.
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