The Pentagon's UFO Program


UFOs, Aliens do they exist? If they do are they visiting us? If they are what do they want? These are some of the questions that both armchair investigators and the top levels of the government and military have been racking their brains to answer for decades. 

On the 25th June 2021 the pentagon released a preliminary analysis on 144 Unidentified Aireal Phenomena (UAP). Of these 144 cases studied it was quite shocking that 143 still remain unexplained and the 1 that was closed was said to be a deflating balloon. The report can be found here.

This beggs the question what was going on with these other sightings and who was investigating them. Something that the pentagon was not very forthcoming with. However,  nearly a year after the initial release a man named Travis Taylor who some of you may have heard of came forward as the chief scientist responsible for the report on behalf of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). Although it is true that Mr Taylor did have some kind of lead role in the government's UAP programme, and does at least according to himself holds no less than 5 advanced science degrees he also has many bold and outlandish statements regarding being tracked by supernatural entities and seeing more UFOs than he can count. This does taint his scientific credibility somewhat. 

This lead to reactions of shock and incredulity amongst the scientific community as they couldn't believe someone who so eagerly accepted paranormal explanations for events could also be employed as a lead scientist on such an important program.

Potentially even more interesting is the report that top pentagon officials told house representatives that there are close to 400 potential reports from military personnel regarding UFO sightings. This is a huge increase when you consider the 144 reports stretched from 2004 to 2021 and the remaining 256ish reports are from 2021 onwards (although it isn't clear if it is 400 new reports or upto 400 reports including the 144 previously reviewed so best to use the conservative estimate). Added to this NASA are setting up a group to investigate UFO reports and the pentagon itself setting up it's own investigative wing and the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) releasing years of redacted reports regarding UFO sightings. The amount of information to go through is quite astounding. It may be some time until we can join the dots on some of these reports but here at RTI we are excited to here and read the reports 

To find out more please read here, here and here.

Thanks for reading.

Until next time

Stay safe



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