Old Stinker


Stories of man like wolves are nothing new in European folklore but this particular tale spans three centuries and takes part in the UK Yorkshire to be exact and what's more may still be going on today.

The legend may well have started as far back as the 1100s and culminated sone time in the 1800s when a stagecoach was viciously attacked where upon the creature was shot at and disappeared in to the night. For sone time all was quiet and stories of this creature died out and the creature itself nearly forgotten. 

Then only 6 years ago the story started to resurface.
The sightings although reported over multiple areas centered around the city of Hull. This is why the creature is sometimes called the Hull Werewolf. However it is far more well known by it's other name that of 'Old Stinker'. It is said to stand approximately 8 feet tall and have glowing red eyes and a foul breath giving rise to its less than affectionate name. Said by locals to inhabit areas of the UK that saw the last wolf populations, it is a ferocious beast and reports for 2016 show that some believe it's not a legend creature at all but a true creature of legend. Indeed as reports began to increase there was a full-blown werewolf flap in Hull. Multiple eye witness reported seeing the same or similar creature. A huge wolf like creature that could stand on its hind legs cover large distances very quickly and leap over a 30ft embankment. It was said to have killed a German Shepherd an eye witness claimed that they saw it clear an 8ft wall with the dog in it's mouth.

Much of the area where the sightings have taken place is semi derelict with many abandoned factories and storage yards which would make hiding for the creature a much easier task. Added to this the large waterway and drainage system and trying to find or debunk the sightings is easier said than done.

It is highly unlikely that people are witnessing a wolf as the UK hasn't had a population of wolves for many hundreds of years but other theories have been put forward. The most down to earth is that it is some kind of very large dog breed that was left by it's owners as they couldn't afford to keep it for one reason or another. The other less rational theories are that it is some kind of wolf like spirit, an actual werewolf or that Old Stinker has truly returned. 

So if you find yourself in the Midlands and take an evening stroll June careful that you don't become folklore yourself. 

You can read more about this story here , here and here.

Until next time

Stay safe

Thanks for reading.



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