The Stick Man Oddity
The being or beings known as the Stick man (Stick men) is a fairly new Phenomena within the realm of the paranormal or at least it only been reported in the recent past (the actual being(s) may well be much older). It has been reported all over the world with the US and UK having a large proportion of the sightings.
There seem to be two major types of experiences that witnesses report.
Both however descibe the being the same. The vary from 2-7 feet tall (there have been reports of some over 11 feet tall!) are a classic stick man (as a child would draw). They are are completely black in colour and cast no shadow and appear two-dimensional but whatever angle you see them from the look the same like the rotate so they always look face on. They never make any sound but seem to be busy with some kind of tasks. Can be seen on there own or in groups and sometimes have been seen wearing top hats!! They sometimes fade from view, sometimes blip out like they have teleported or something vanished when the witness has been distracted and looked away for a split second.
Some reports have said they have the ability to float off the ground!
Occasionally there has been reports of these beings or creatures giving of a type of static electricity when encountered. They have never been known to attack anyone.
Type 1 the passive or observation experience:
This type of report was the first ones that we read at RTI these are often reported as strange and unusual accounts by witnesses that felt no fear or threat from these beings but utter fascination. They often report that they suddenly saw one or more of these beings often mingling with a crowd of people who seemed completely unaware of there presence. They would state that these stick men would be going about there business seemingly unaware of a the other regular people almost like looking into another world. They would not make a sound while moving or make any sound wile communicating and then dissappear in front of the witnesses eyes.
Type 2 the frightening or intimidating experience:
These reports describe similar sightings as type 1 sightings but with a feeling of foreboding or fear surrounding the sightings. These type 2 sightings also seem to be more connected to the electrical phenomena reported on occasion. Also some of these sightings have more of the paranormal abilities shown by the stick men. Whether it is to add extra intimidating layer to the encounters, or the witnesses who see these additional abilities feels more intimated or scared and then reports it as a scary encounter is to hard to say.
There have as with many strange and cryptid sightings been hoaxes and fakes but there are still many testimonies from individuals who maintain the authenticity of the statements they have made and there is no way to know what they truly saw.
You can read more about the stick men here and here and a personal account here and a really interesting sighting here
We here in the RTI offices will continue to report on any new stories we find.
Until next time thanks for reading
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