The phantom crash

On December 11th 2002 the Surrey police would starting their day much the same as any other however it would soon become a strange a bizarre day in their history one that would be reported widely in the media and interest in the incident would spark the curiosity of ghost hunters and forteans.

The police received a call from a concerned member of the public reporting that they had just witnessed a car leaving the dual carriage way heading southbound to Guildford on the A3 and heading in to a ditch. The police were duly sent to investigate to reported crash site but despite the initial search were unable to find any evidence of a crash.

However on a further search of the area a police officer located a crashed vehicle a few yards from the initial report of the accident. This was not a recent crash however the car was covered in undergrowth and the decomposing body of the driver was found inside (some reports state found 'near by' while others report that just a skeleton was found inside).

The crash was believed to have occurred some time in July the same year. The body was identified as a 21 year old man Christopher Brian Chandler who had last been seen on July 16th in London he had been wanted for questioning by the Metropolitan police for robbery at the time of the incident. No report at the time of the crash seems to have been made to the police and it could be that no one saw the accident, which is unlikely due to it being a busy main road unless it was very late at night, or people may have seen the car but assumed it had already been reported so didn't bother.

The odd nature in which the crash had been discovered had led some to believe that the witness had actually seen a spectral reply of that incident five months prior. The original report stated that the witness saw what the thought were headlights veer off the road but the car that had been found had long had a dead battery and being covered in undergrowth it is unlikely that a reflection was seen.

Maybe it was a set of unusual coincidences and nothing more or maybe it was the long since departed Christopher Brian Chandlers' spirit sending out one final message in the hope his body could be found and laid to rest. Whatever the real reason for the discovery of the car crash the phantom crash on the A3 has gone down as a piece of Surrey folklore. 

For more information please look here and here and here

Until next time. 

Thanks for reading 



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