The Glimmer Man

What would you do if you saw something that wasn't there. Something moving through the forest that you can't quite focus on something you know is there but all you see is a faint outline and sometimes a pair of glowing yellow eyes. It sounds like the script for a 1980s jungle based action/sci-fi movie but talk to those who have seen these predator type entities as they are sometimes referred to and they will tell you that what they saw was all too real and all too terrifying. These strange entities have been reported all over the world but there seems to been a large amount of reports throughout the U.S. Most are in rural areas or areas where there are large forests and wildernesses. It is remarkable how similar the reports are to each other and how closely they resemble that ailen hunter of the silver screen. Some witnesses have reported seeing it multiple times sometimes traversing through their dwellings on the hunt for something also out of the sight of the witness. Alt...