Tales of the Dog Headed Man

The legend of Cynocephaly or the Dog headed man is maybe less common than that of his more famous cousin the werewolf. However the stories of these people go back thousands of years and stretch entire continents. Described by both Christopher Columbus and Marco Polo and written about by Greek scholars are they truly just myth and legend or the musings of a traveller seeing a Baboon for the first time while visiting Africa? Or is there something more to this legend? Although sometimes there are seen as interchangeable 'monsters' of legend the Cynocephaly are quite distinct from those suffering from werewolfism or Lycanthropy. Where are werewolves are people that change in to a wolf form be it through a curse, magic or misfortune the dog headed man was simply a man in all respects apart from the face he had a dog head. They did not change using magic or herbs or other such rituals but were a distinct species that live in tribes as families often separate but sometimes along sid...